• Repsol has, for the first time in Spain, produced a batch of biojet obtained from waste, a sustainable fuel for aviation, at its Petronor Industrial Complex in Bilbao.

  • The batch consists of 5,300 tons of sustainable fuel. Its use will avoid the emission of 300 tons of CO2, the equivalent of 40 flights between Madrid and Bilbao.
  • The production of this biojet adds to two other batches of biofuel for aviation already produced at the company’s Puertollano and Tarragona complexes. With this batch, Repsol, once again, positions itself as a pioneer in Spain in the manufacture of this kind of fuel from waste.
  • The company is transforming its industrial complexes and adapting its processes to use waste as a raw material to produce fuels and other products with a low, zero, or even a negative carbon footprint. In this way, it is using the circular economy as a fundamental tool for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050


