German government mulls limiting biofuel production

 Germany’s environment and agriculture ministries are reportedly working on restrictions for biofuel production so more grain can be used as human food as agriculture markets remain strained due to the war in Ukraine. 

Together with Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir, Environment Minister Steffi Lemke is currently looking to reduce the production of biofuels made from grain or oilseeds, Lemke told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper on Friday . From her point of view, agricultural land should be used for food production instead of for the tank, she explained. Lemke’s party colleague, Özdemir, recently expressed similar views on several occasions



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The news is good and reports the current situation. Having put the links to access makes it more attractive and allows more information. Alejandra López

  3. It seems to me a very interesting new because it deals with a current issue: the war between Russia and Ukraine. I also agree with the Environment Minister (Steffi Lemke), we should use agricultural land as well as biofuels for food production, not for war. -Adriana.

  4. The blog is brief but it puts a link so you can get in and see more information and what I think is very good-Diana

  5. This is so interesting that germany use the biofuel because is so good to the enviroment good blog

  6. We agree with the German ministers since good use must be made of production, also taking into account the impact it will have on the environment. On the other hand, we also agree with Lemke's point of view, since it is more important to produce food than tanks that only promote war.
    Álvaro & Marian

  7. We agree with the German ministers that the production of biofuels is restricted as it causes an increase in oxygen and nitrogen emissions. As Lemke says, the agricultural land has to be used for food production instead of the tank since it is bad for the environment and can produce contamination of groundwater with nitrites and nitrates. Álvaro. R

  8. Good blog with an interesting news about biofuels, however, the information posted on the blog with the one in the original link seems short. Alejandro.L

  9. I find very interesting the way biofuel has been used, and also how it is related to our current society, and the future uses

  10. I think that the news that you present to us is very interesting and tells us about a current issue which can help not to pollute the environment so much. Ana


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